Companies may commit environmental injustice by releasing pollutants affecting minority families.
Is burning petroleum more environmentally friendly than that, even though it also releases pollutants?
There is also concern that, when full, these filters may release trapped pollutants back into the air.
There was concern the chemical plants and refineries in the area could have released pollutants into the floodwaters.
As these fuels are burned, they release carbon dioxide and other pollutants.
So every time you turn on your car's air conditioner, you're costing yourself more money and releasing damaging pollutants into the environment.
Accidents at facilities that house hazardous wastes release pollutants into soil, groundwater, surface water, and air.
He became union president at the plant, which continued to release pollutants.
Backyard burning is also particularly dangerous because it releases pollutants at ground level where they are more readily inhaled or incorporated into the food chain.
As the system covers just carbon dioxide emissions it will be free to release other pollutants into the atmosphere.