CAOZ has been active since 2001 and has released several productions.
The success of the film gave Jim Henson Productions an opportunity to release more Muppet productions theatrically.
He has released several successful productions and remixes as Fake Blood, including his 2009 release "I Think I Like It".
During 1981 and 1982 the label released productions that mixed late disco emotions with heavy funky rhythms that made the Emergency Sound.
Film Classics began producing their own or releasing other new productions in 1947.
As involvement increased, filmmakers released fewer new productions to focus on quality.
Since then, the label has released numerous compilations and original productions, becoming one of the major actors in Esperanto culture.
Ivo Moring released more than 250 songs and productions on different albums and compilations in the style of downbeat, zero-beat, chill-out, ambient and lounge.
Since 1966, Disney has released numerous animated productions starring Winnie the Pooh and related characters.
Nik was determined and motivated to release new productions after his first accomplishment and produced the trance production titled "Naked Heart".