Karumanchi speculated that the placenta released proteins in addition to soluble FLT that were potentially toxic to the mother.
Certain cancers may release proteins that affect how a tumor forms.
Upon identifying these cells the Classifier would release specific proteins within the HeLa cell that would trigger apoptosis without killing or endangering neighboring, healthy cells.
Sure enough, the artery cells began releasing proteins called cytokines, which promote inflammation.
Care must be taken not to burst cells, releasing intracellular proteins.
These responses can cause the body to release proteins, hormones, and brain chemicals that control a number of body functions.
When conidia land on a wheat leaf's hydrophobic surface cuticle, they release proteins which facilitate active transport of lightweight anions between leaf and fungus even before germination.
In a normal immune response, the body releases proteins called cytokines, which the immune system uses to send messages.
When it lands on a moist, sticky surface, like the pistil of a flower, it releases proteins that may, if the tissue is receptive, lead to fertilization.
This Yop protein is unusual in that it is released to the extracellular environment rather than injected directly into the target cell as are most Yop proteins.