Shale has certainly revolutionised the US market, releasing vast, and hitherto uneconomic reserves.
After erratic rainfall and poor harvests in 1997 and 1998 maize stocks were low and consumer prices: ADMARC had to release reserves and import maize to prevent famine.
Unlike the Clinton administration, which released emergency stocks to quell a spike in prices in 2000, the current administration says it would be a mistake to release strategic reserves to bring prices down.
But analysts said much of the strength in the quarter came from the improved outlook for loans as well as $200 million from releasing reserves set aside to pay taxes related to Associates First Capital, which Citigroup acquired in 2000.
One is being given a chance to show what one can do and this realization often releases amazing reserves of energy, enthusiasm and creative flair.
Kozlov did not appreciate the significance of the German breakthrough and failed to release reserves for a counter-attack.
By freeing religion of supernaturalism, it will release tremendous reserves of hitherto thwarted power.
However, he found that the excitement seemed to release limitless reserves of energy in him and he never felt tired.
This will continue to occur while growing demand is met by releasing new reserves.
Some raise another problem with releasing reserves: that it's mostly sour crude and can't be readily refined.