He stuffed the stone walls with smoke bombs, releasing toxic fumes.
He attempts to remove it but realizes it's more complicated than that when the device releases toxic fumes from a chemical detonator that was hidden inside.
As late as 2009, many factories would simply burn the lights to melt the plastic and retrieve the copper wire, releasing toxic fumes into the local environment.
Throw some fancy metallic wrapping paper onto the fire, though, and you've got an even bigger problem: The paper can release toxic fumes when burned.
Burning technology to obtain the metals inside will release toxic fumes into the air.
It burns easily, releasing toxic fumes of sulfur dioxide.
One bag broke open as it was being loaded into the cargo hold of the Boeing 757 and released toxic fumes.
But the group, along with many scientists, points out a different problem: an empty overheated Teflon-coated pan does pose a risk by releasing toxic fumes.
Other potentially dangerous cargo are laundry and cleaning products, which can release toxic fumes and cause fires.
If heated strongly, it may release very toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides.