Three albums were released within 14 months by Capitol.
On the basis of his observations during a recent trip to Beirut, he predicted that they could be released within 10 months.
Two-thirds of those who are released end up back in prison within 18 months, twice the national average.
In addition, British authorities were to release French prisoners within three months.
Even today, 70% of all offenders in prison will be released within seven months.
Additionally, the game will be patchable for character balance, with the first patch expected to be released within six months of the initial release date.
And those who are serving time for their murders are to be released within 24 months.
Mr. Williams, meanwhile, said he hopes to be released from prison within four to five months.
Officials said that a proposal for a master plan could be released within two months.
After individual consideration by tribunal, the majority, largely made up of Jewish and other refugees, were released within six months.