The games were released annually between 2000 and 2003, stopped selling, then continued in 2006.
The list, mandated by Congress, has been released annually for the last five years.
Over the next few years new flavors were released almost annually.
But with 750,000 inmates released annually, the need is huge.
Data are available from 1988 forward, and a new database is released annually, approximately 18 months after the end of a calendar year.
I noted earlier that the past few years have seen a significant spike in the number of movie titles released annually.
About half the 12,000 prisoners released annually are rearrested within three years.
Designed with a traditional winter scene in cobalt blue and white, the plates have been released annually for more than 100 years.
This saves 75,000 tons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere annually.
Around 2000 tortoise are released annually in the river.