As of March 2009, Laval was the main destination for immigrants to Canada, according to a study released by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM).
A poll released Wednesday by the Hispanic Federation, an umbrella organization for Hispanic nonprofit groups, said 52 percent of Hispanic New Yorkers evaluate Governor Pataki's job performance positively.
The first edition of the publication was released by the American Federation of Arts in 1940 under the title A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary American Artists.
According to a study being released today by the Asian American Federation of New York, the Hamdanis were among many Asian-Americans who rejected professional therapy after Sept. 11.
On April 13, 2013, Garcia was on a list released by the Russian Federation of Americans banned from entering the country over their alleged human rights violations.
The national average is $29,000, according to a report released in July by the American Federation of Teachers.
The memorandum, dated April 17, 1947, was released by the Federation of American Scientists.
Equal pay for equal work is the top concern of working women, according to a survey released yesterday by the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations.
The study was released on Wednesday by the 885,000-member American Federation of Teachers and the National Center for Improving Science Education, an advocacy group.
LEAD: Major Japanese companies believe they could break even at an average exchange rate of 163 yen to the dollar, according to a survey released today by the Federation of Economic Organizations.