The book is set up as a relentless attempt to cram everything into the Asian/Western dichotomy.
The relentless attempts to set him up, he said, seemed to transmit a not-so-subtle message: "Make this problem go away."
While the machines' relentless attempts at conquest had lost focus, the Jihad plodded on.
Balasingam was known for his relentless attempts to bring the Tigers to the international negotiating arena.
Bob continues to play the game in a relentless attempt to beat Jimmy Pesto's high score, but does not come close.
Stand up against the relentless attempt to grind down your wages and pensions in the face of tax cuts for the mayor and his billionaire cronies.
Mr. Ashley's tetralogy is a relentless attempt to snatch chaos from the jaws of order.
FOR many children, summer camp is a place to escape the relentless attempts of adults to mold and improve them.
"In Gary's relentless attempts to hold on to Beryl and have her all to himself, he lost her."
The relentless attempts to turn Europe into a political unity seem to be built on quicksand.