Is there any chance we can get a break on CiF from the relentless pro-Turkey propaganda?
The barrier island residents and their self-styled scientific experts are expert at junk science and relentless propaganda, and nothing more.
But Murdoch knew there was money in giving people something other than the relentless propaganda of the Beeb.
After relentless propaganda, the mob's instinctive rage can be "switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.
Turabi's relentless and highly sophisticated propaganda portrays the war as a Western and Zionist plot against Islam.
All these images are reinforced by relentless propaganda.
Another source of opposition has been the teaching unions and I was concerned that their relentless propaganda would put off good teachers from applying to the West London Free School.
Yet the relentless propaganda about the evils of the United States has had an effect.
While the Promethean political forces aligned with Poland were of higher quality and potential, the Germans' relentless propaganda created a dangerous rival to Polish Promethean efforts.
It is paradoxical that this should be so, given the relentless Soviet propaganda urging work and discipline as national values.