Somewhat surprisingly, given his relentless schedule, the real deal is here.
Mr. Yassky kept to his relentless schedule all summer.
Dreier, perhaps the most dedicated to the cause, also organized a relentless schedule of dance recitals, lectures and film screenings.
He remained in the public eye with a relentless schedule of speeches and television appearances.
Still, his relentless schedule is at least a partial nod to the idea that, at least to voters, the Democratic candidates are often indistinguishable.
It is a testament both to the power of the position of speaker and his relentless schedule on the road.
A relentless schedule of touring followed into 2009 as Chew Lips honed their sound into a sleek, sophisticated beast.
Hybels apologized for the example of his relentless schedule and overemphasis on grace.
Since flying to San Juan Thursday night, Mr. Jackson kept up a relentless schedule.
Instead, he adhered to a relentless schedule of campaigning across the city.