Prices plunged the first two days on a relentless wave of corporate profit warnings.
Spreading outward in relentless waves, to fill the universe with some strange echo of Bascal's would-be paradise.
With relentless waves of talent, the Suns can erode their opponents' will.
Indeed, the seemingly relentless wave of big-company cutbacks is likely to continue.
On the whole, however, the IB came in for some sharp criticism by the media after the relentless wave of terror attacks in 2008.
He realized his hands were shaking, fear washing through him in great relentless waves.
Cutler's face and chest became a ragged bloody mess as a relentless wave of bullets rammed into it.
But by the time the play's climax arrives, the relentless waves of tension have engendered something like tedium.
The back side experiences relentless powerful waves, and on the inside of the moon-shaped area, the water comes calmly to shore.
Mock heroism, loud braggadocio and metric jokes come in such relentless waves that the ear is simply worn down.