This rigorous and relevant curriculum will build and develop personal relationships.
With the use of newer methods and technologies, combined with a more relevant curriculum, a major difference is possible in the effectiveness of education on children.
This allows students who wish to transfer courses taken at Brazosport College to take a relevant curriculum for their destination school.
The purpose behind these programs is to develop an intimacy among the students and create relevant curriculum that is tied to students' interest outside of school.
The department developed relevant curricula and programs of professional disciplines and specialization.
These outside influences must naturally be accounted for when designing a culturally relevant curriculum.
Every student is offered a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that develops their individual communication, physical skills and their understanding of the world.
The Academy provides highly rigorous and relevant curriculum that stresses real world application for students interested in medical careers.
A Compact, though, provides great potential for making the curriculum more realistic and relevant and hence for improving student motivation.
They offered a more "practical" and "relevant" curriculum than traditional grammar schools.