Charles Peirce had also discovered these facts in 1880, but the relevant paper was not published until 1933.
There has been public discussion on the subject and all relevant papers are available at the School's webpage.
Failures to cite relevant papers have been studied by several authors.
Since then, hundreds of researchers have entered the area, resulting in an extensive search for relevant earlier papers.
Her case recently began moving into pretrial discovery of relevant papers.
On 20 September 2011, she confirmed she had signed the relevant papers.
And a moment ago I had in front of me the relevant paper.
The next step was to enter all the details on a single form to which were attached any other relevant papers.
Our rapporteurs and committee chairmen can often get hold of the relevant papers.
Knowing what you've read and what you haven't and then being able to find the relevant paper can still be a challenge.