We also believe that many of the findings are in principle relevant to other areas in Northern Ireland.
He should have a fair trial under an elected government applying the relevant principles of Iraqi and international law.
You have no legal right to insist upon being given a reference; the relevant legal principles are discussed in Chapter 21.
Abdülhamid tried to formulate a new and more relevant ideological principle.
The way to move forward is consistently to apply relevant principles endorsed by the international community.
Such a question is distinct from a question of law, which must be answered by applying relevant legal principles.
Are there no longer any relevant moral principles independent of circumstances?
This is where a certain realism is called for, without losing a firm hold on the relevant principles.
It is no longer enough simply to announce relevant principles and demands; it is high time they started to be applied.
Art dialogue in the post-modern period has tended to steer away from medium specificity as a particularly relevant principle.