The sample is too small for reliable analysis and the speculations within the text are probably all that this study justifies.
The pieces that test positive have been flown to Washington, where sophisticated machinery is available for a more detailed and reliable analysis.
A reliable quantitative analysis of the current mood is a big challenge.
They also called for developing a reliable economic analysis of the travel and tourism industry, now valued at $417 billion.
For one thing, it defies reliable economic analysis because so much data is incomplete.
The sensors cannot obtain a reliable analysis.
Weaknesses or changes in the target organization aid the analyst in constructing a predictive, reliable analysis.
The methods for carrying out such assessments should also ensure that credible conclusions are reached based on reliable analyses.
We have no reliable analysis of this project, at a time when, according to the law, just about every building project requires an environmental impact assessment.
Moreover, to be able to perform a reliable statistical analysis the sample size must be considerably larger.