The combination of these facts makes it difficult to create a reliable chronology of ceramic materials, hill forts, houses, brooches, and other small artifacts.
No complete, reliable chronology of Licchavi rulers yet exists.
Because the Cactus People learned to keep picture records, we have substantial history of their nation, one with names and dates in a fair] reliable chronology.
Collation of the annals has provided a reliable chronology for events in medieval Ireland.
In the last few years, other scholars, notably Gayle Sherwood, have analyzed Ives's manuscript paper and handwriting to create a more reliable chronology.
But while assembling a reliable chronology of events had been a fairly simple matter, the whos and whys of the crime remained elusive.
Such measurements bolstered a reliable chronology for the early solar system.
The creation of a reliable chronology of Ancient Egypt is a task fraught with problems.
The coinage has also proved invaluable in providing a reliable chronology of Aksumite kings due to the lack of extensive archaeological work in the area.
However, as Eadberht's reign began in 738, several years before Beonna became king in East Anglia, the coins cannot be related to each other closely enough to construct a reliable chronology.