I'm sure that when reliable contraception and sterilisation was introduced lots of people predicted the extinction of humanity, genocide and so forth.
Other factors include shorter birth intervals and possibly a lower likelihood of using reliable contraception.
Finally, every woman must realize that emergency contraception is a backup, not a substitute for more reliable precoital contraception.
The organization's first priority is encouraging reliable contraception by everyone who might be vulnerable to an unwanted pregnancy.
One suggested cause of the 1960s sexual revolution was the development of the birth control pill in 1960, which gave women access to easy and reliable contraception.
Responsibility for this can't be laid at the door of individual families, because reliable contraception is in many cases not available, but why is it not available ?
The trigger for the revolution was the development of the birth control pill in 1960, which gave women access to easy and reliable contraception.
Insertion of an IUD within a week prevents implantation; it also provides reliable contraception for up to 10 years.
The good news is that much of this objective can be accomplished if existing unmet demand for safe and reliable contraception is addressed in the developing world.
They concluded gossypol provided reliable contraception, could be taken orally as a tablet, and did not upset men's balance of hormones.