That proves the Devils have a balanced attack to go with their usually reliable defense and goaltending.
The only reliable defense is arms control.
Anger was a reliable defense, but one that allowed no chance of final victory.
New technologies are indicating that thoroughly reliable defenses against nuclear missiles may, indeed, be feasible.
While we continue to work toward the President's goal of a thoroughly reliable defense, critics have resisted a serious dialogue.
As one wit said, since no one had ever figured out how to make rain on demand, fire was the only reliable defense.
The Justice Department pledged to find those responsible, but computer experts questioned whether any reliable defense against such attacks existed.
For many, the only reliable defense against summer is pharmacological.
If Klerris is correct, the blade will be her only reliable defense before long.
Solid and reliable defense earned him a spot in the starting lineup in 15 of Tennessee's last 16 games.