He wanted to replace traditional photographic documentation of criminals with a system that would guarantee reliable identification.
If the Minoan deities merged as this evidence suggests, reliable identification is made much more difficult.
Illustrations by artists or post processing of photographs help in emphasising specific features needed to for reliable identification.
The reliable identification of specific genetic susceptibility to particular disorders, through linkage or association studies, has proven difficult.
One problem here is reliable identification.
App.3d 429, had construed the law to require "credible and reliable" identification that carries a "reasonable assurance" of its authenticity.
This allows for reliable identification of tumor type based on gene expression.
External systems that offer reliable identification such as sector and shared services and social networks.
However, the scientific literature does not present evidence that fingerprinting of children below the age of 14 can provide for reliable identification.
A particular problem for speech recognition is the reliable identification of word boundaries.