Like any good parent, Kismet's human companion now tries desperately to see what else will amuse the robot and finally hits upon the reliable standby of making funny faces.
This year the new owners of Michaels', Debra and Rich Gherardi, have turned this reliable standby into even more of a draw.
"They want old, reliable standbys."
It's a bit pricey but a reliable standby.
The 5 inch HVAR was a reliable standby; however sturdy Soviet-built armor proved resistant to the HVAR's punch.
Episode 47: In which, still struggling for inspiration - and getting increasingly nervous about my job - I fall back on the reliable standby of writing a funny list of things about Twitter.
The most reliable standby for climbing, trailing or simply to cover the ground, has to be ivy.
While the Gare du Nord has since become a better destination for curry fiends, Passage Brady is a reliable standby that's closer to central Paris.
Vilnius The Draugyste Hotel, beside Vingis Park, is a reliable standby, with many of its floors now occupied by diplomats and foreign business people while they search for permanent quarters.
This reliable standby has a killer sound system and plays R&B, popular tunes and house for a crowd that likes to have fun without the pretence, including lots of cabin crew.