However, due to the pain relief that I have had since taking this medication has truly given me my life back, especially during winter months.
What a relief it is to know that shadows can give you cellulite.
Her relief and pleasure at seeing Kerans gave way to alarm.
They have provided generous tax breaks and regulatory relief to give developers incentives to build.
The relief in his expression gave way to bitterness.
This time, more must be done to build new locally based economic and political institutions so that international relief can give way to long-term recovery.
Yet relief soon gave way to a feeling that he was out of his realm in the world of stocks and bonds.
However, the relief gave name to the property before being relocated to its present spot behind the street door of Number 18.
But relief and hope give her voice a lift when she says: "I'm still in remission."
His initial relief gave over to feeling a little uneasy at how calculating this all sounded.