Set an American League record in relief innings (168.1, 1982)
Koufax pitched two perfect relief innings in the Series opener, though they came after the Dodgers were already behind 11-0.
Both teams combined to use 13 pitchers, with Lance Lynn working three relief innings to get the win.
He threw two relief innings in Game 5 and did a good job.
Gossage exceeded 100 relief innings four times in his career.
Chad Orvella pitched two relief innings for the victory.
Besides, said Young, his luck was bound to turn bad, anyway, since it had been oh so good the entire spring (seven relief innings, no runs).
He lost the fifth game, and then came back to win the sixth with four scoreless relief innings.
Contributed perhaps 22 of the most important late-season relief innings for a team full of tired arms.
He ranks first in the American League with 71 1/3 relief innings, after ranking second last year.