This was successful in relieving his symptoms for about three years, although he continued to experience some element of pain in the right leg.
On average, young puppies may relieve themselves about six times a day.
You have to relieve their nervousness about change.
If he is willing to let us help him, we can relieve his worries about Sandra.
He said the site helps relieve consumer anxieties about "huge life decisions."
And if he could relieve her anxiety about her lost wallet, the rest of their conversation might become a little easier.
"A lot of people do it to relieve guilty feelings about their weight," he said.
At least that relieved him of his concern about fair play.
It's also an ancient folk remedy, touted to relieve just about any ailment you can think of.
But that victory did not exactly relieve anxieties about the subtle cracks in the Knicks.