Since it may take 1 to 4 days to have full effect, these products do not relieve heartburn right away.
A single dose of antacid often relieves heartburn for about an hour.
Cutting out smoking and losing weight if you're overweight can also relieve heartburn.
Antacids are taken to relieve heartburn or indigestion caused by excess stomach acid.
Sodium bicarbonate is used to relieve heartburn and indigestion.
Antacids may be prescribed to relieve heartburn and nausea.
You may have heard that drinking a glass of milk can relieve heartburn.
In prescription form (usually higher doses than the over-the-counter versions), H2 blockers can generally relieve heartburn and treat reflux.
It is primarily used to alleviate constipation, but also to relieve indigestion and heartburn.
It is also believed to relieve intestinal gas and heartburn.