Undergraduate students must also take 14 credit hours of religion courses in order to fulfill the university's religious education requirement for graduation.
Being more sympathetic towards the religious sentiments of society, this new government introduced a religion course into secondary schools.
After nearly ten years, in 1967, the religion course was introduced to the 1st and 2nd grades of high school.
And, finally, following the military coup in 1980, the religion course became schools was also constitutionally secured.
But the university is open to students of all religions, he said, and no religion courses are taught.
Most of the immigrants have recently completed a religion course and are now recognized as Jewish by the state, permitting them to become citizens.
Priests taught all religion courses, and religion was a required subject.
The only class with a higher enrollment, he says, is a religion course required for graduation.
All students must take a religion course each school year.
Students take religion courses in each year of school.