And neighboring countries have reason to fear heightened religious antagonism.
A third factor was religious antagonism.
The religious, cultural, and political antagonism between Canadian Protestants and Catholics remains a central theme of Canadian history.
Other weaknesses still exist in the fact that, despite congressional resolution, unofficial religious antagonism still exists today through adverse legislation and judicial and executive decisions.
The controversy, which stirred deep racial and religious antagonism, led to the closing of most of the city's schools for 55 days during the fall term.
Indeed, comments by Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao seemed certain to fuel religious antagonisms.
Following a European economic crisis that hit Nîmes with full force, the Revolutionary period awoke slumbering demons of political and religious antagonism.
It was during this period that Lebanon saw increasing class and religious antagonisms that would define Lebanese social and political life for decades to come.
Irredentist grievances, ethnic rivalries and religious antagonisms abound.
The religious antagonism is particularly strong in Iraq: the schism between Sunni and Shiite Islam was sealed there.