It is Israel's foremost civil liberties organization, active in such areas as discrimination against minorities, freedom of expression, religious coercion and women's rights.
Safeguards against religious coercion and diversion of public funds for sectarian purposes could be altered and serve the same goal.
Robinson was against religious coercion, and therefore against the setting-up of a new national church for England if the result was persecution.
She promoted social reforms and women's equality and opposed the religious coercion.
On Friday night, some 2,000 nonreligious Israelis demonstrated against what some described as "religious coercion," and attended films at four movie houses that were open.
Arnon's remarks about religious coercion often led to complaints of Knesset members and human rights groups to incite violence.
Unlike religious coercion, it is a quite recent phenomenon, confined to some of the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century.
Feiglin is against religious coercion, and is even against the establishment of religious political parties.
It deals with religious-secular relations in Israel, from a point of view critical of what Ornan considers "religious coercion."
Meretz is not so much against religion as it is against religious coercion.