Hence, the young couple in trying to honor a religious commandment ends up violating another.
What about the rabbis and yeshiva students who clung to the religious commandments until the end?
As the video progresses, a young man continues the song: "Children, we must keep our religious commandments.
While the Torah generally applies equally to all Jews, there are certain limitations to the application of the religious commandments, known in Hebrew as mitzvot.
He saw the need for environmental protection and weaved his principals into religious commandments so that people can internalise those principals easily.
There is no greater desecration of God's name," Judge Levy said, than the attempt "to justify the murder as a religious commandment or a moral mission.
The Hasidic follower strives to elevate the sparks in all those material things that aid one's prayer, Torah study, religious commandments, and overall service of God.
Observant Jews consider the Shema to be the most important part of the prayer service in Judaism, and its twice-daily recitation as a mitzvah (religious commandment).
In an attempt to relax during her visit to New York City, Nelly Mubarak broke a religious commandment.
He wrote that the sole purpose of religious commandments was to obey God, and not to receive any kind of reward in this world or the world to come.