Kenneth W. Starr, the independent counsel, is attacking our right to privacy and turning the state into a grand inquisitor on religious conduct.
Many states at this time functioned as theocracies, with codes of conduct largely religious in origin or reference.
In every case, perpetrators view their victims as violating rules of religious conduct and act without remorse.
Smith left a body of religious writings often used in discussing church doctrine and religious conduct.
They fail to prohibit non religious conduct that endangers these interests in a similar or greater degree than Santería sacrifice does.
This book caused him to be known as the "Terror Maggid"; he preached moral and religious conduct as a safeguard against the terrible punishments of the day of judgment.
The Emperor, displeased at the prevailing laxity of morals, and anxious to check its progress, wishes that his palace should present an example of virtuous and religious conduct.
"The court also notes that services to the homeless have been judicially recognized as religious conduct, within the ambit of the First Amendment."
The city had contended that allowing the homeless to sleep outside did not constitute legitimate religious conduct.
Prosecutors argue that courts have long empowered states to regulate religious conduct, as opposed to religious beliefs.