Scholl is officially without religious confession, but is an avid follower of Buddhist principles.
But getting along here means parceling out power among the various religious confessions without worrying too much about whether this matches a group's share of the population.
But at its core, "Love Undetectable" is a religious confession.
All religious confessions are equally free before the law.
Although it is managed by the catholic diocese, the school is open to pupils of all religious confessions.
There has never been any UK legislation, one way or the other, about the disclosure in evidence of religious confession.
That said, there has never been any legislation in England, one way or the other, about the disclosure in evidence of religious confession.
If it were, courts could force priests to reveal the incriminating statements from a religious confession.
The solicitor-general argued that religious confession was not protected from disclosure.
It was the only political party to elect representatives from all of Lebanon's major religious confessions.