Still, if the Al-Sauds use their leverage, the difficult part will be keeping the loyalty of the religious constituency while weeding out the radical fringe.
Catholics formed a substantial and active religious constituency in the Soviet Union.
It is common practice for national politicians with strongly religious constituencies to cite religious texts or beliefs in support of certain policies.
An earnestly religious constituency kept him in office.
This is not a religious constituency that's going to swing it for Gordon Brown.
The religious constituency was made of 78.4% Christian and the rest stating no religion or not stating at all.
President Yusuf has said that the Islamists' claim to represent a religious constituency does not sit well with his administration.
Categories of information provided include demographics, health, economy, housing, climate, crime rates, cost of living, religious constituency and voting history.
Of course, if you look at the Democratic Party, there's a large religious constituency there.
The religious constituency was made of 83.1% Christian, 0.3% Jewish, 0.6% Muslim and the rest stating no religion or not stating at all.