Neither church nor state will be able to accomplish its goals if the Iraq war is widely perceived as a religious crusade.
"This is a religious crusade," his paper wrote.
The force, beginning to take on the air of a religious crusade, stopped at Canso to reprovision.
Take over one of those priestesses and lead a religious crusade, for one thing.
The man behind the big desk was the multi-millionaire who financed our religious crusade.
"I hear he's trying to stir up a religious crusade."
In recent years, though, it often has come to be understood as a violent religious crusade against the United States.
She's old and tired, but she sees this problem of the dark man as a religious crusade, Glen.
He also made a lifelong study of Communism and repeatedly warned against turning the cold war into a religious crusade.
Thomas lived at home, yet he seduced women as if on a religious crusade.