Domestic revolts and religious dissension plagued his reign, which nevertheless succeeded to some extent in foreign issues.
Heavy tributes and religious dissension produced disorder and confusion.
The final phase of Charles II's reign was taken up mainly with attempts to settle religious dissension.
Indeed, religious dissension and sectarian heat were in the very air.
There was religious dissension in the holy city of Qom and disaffection in many of the tribal areas.
He was admitted Master 20 July 1577, finding a college full of religious dissensions but with new statutes.
With savage storms and Bigfoot and similar frontier-world problems, they did not need pointless religious dissension too.
The country was still torn by civil and religious dissensions; and Cameron excited the indignation of the more strenuous adherents of his own party.
The religious dissension and constant disputes which arose in consequence led to a number of Jews taking part in these disputations.
He recognised that the issue of autonomy lay at the heart of religious dissension.