Fortunately, for African leaders, this conflict has no religious divide: both sides are Muslims.
More than 1,000 people across the religious divide attended his funeral.
The religious and cultural divide is most pronounced in Sudan, which has been at war for much of the last half-century, since it gained independence.
Because they were willing to work across the religious divide, they had found common ground.
This meant that couples who had married across the religious divide were not allowed to adopt at all.
What may become of the religious divide between Al and Eileen now, with both children grown, is hard to say.
The connection runs deep on both sides of the ethnic and religious divide here.
Others see the normal push and pull of politics more than a religious divide or some kind of tipping point.
Catherine failed because she saw the religious divide only in political terms.
The result was a lightning jump of electrical energy from one pole to the other of the religious divide.