Hours earlier, the group issued a religious edict ordering Iraqi security forces not to take part in the siege.
How do you balance access for the handicapped with religious edicts?
Nadia was forced to stay at home, because the Taliban's religious edicts banned women from work.
In the Sudan, a military dictatorship is implementing religious edicts by force.
It is a religious edict that the clinic recently solicited from the country's supreme leader, asking him whether men could practice birth control.
It is a religious edict, but one with a political dimension.
But he had never been the target of a religious edict.
But the relationship has become strained in recent months over a religious edict that the Ayatollah issued last year.
American political officers called a meeting with the town's top clerics who promised to issue a religious edict to condemn the attack.
About the same time, religious edicts were issued forbidding women from leaving home without a man's permission.