The Puritan religion, and all the ways of that religious fraternity, are peculiarly open to the shafts of ridicule.
It was a religious and commercial fraternity which can be described as a republic not much different from the mercantile republics of the medieval Europe.
The idea of building an Islamic government and promoting religious fraternity rapidly ran into difficulties.
It was a day of relaxation and feasting for Athenian citizens, at home, or for males, with religious fraternities.
"These have startled and outraged the dedicated religious fraternity and if this resentment is taken up at a high enough level, serious civil unrest may be generated."
What better day for the city's corporate bodies, religious fraternities, and the guilds to celebrate themselves.
Many of the church's improvements at this time were the work of a religious fraternity called "La Agrupacion."
There are over 18 honor and 13 service or religious fraternities or sororities at ECU.
The religious fraternities and brotherhoods are responsible for carrying the statues and organising the penitents and musicians.
Sidi ben Aïssa gave rise to one of the more extreme religious fraternities in Morocco.