Some religious historians believe the churches represent the next wave of evangelical worship, after the boom in megachurches in the 1980's and 1990's.
Marty, a religious historian, articulates how utopian "failures can inspire the imagination" to "retrieve some positive and often practical elements."
She was never entirely cut off, as nineteenth-century religious historians sometimes claimed when trying to explain the heterodox character of the Celtic Church.
There's a religious historian I know who lives near Versailles.
Darryl G. Hart is a religious and social historian.
The movement destroyed much of the Christian church's early artistic history, to the great loss of subsequent art and religious historians.
His books on pastoral, political, educational and inter-denominational matters provide a rich source of material for social and religious historians (see below).
However, the parliamentary reports and the list of cults had no legal status and were criticized by religious historians, sociologists and academics.
In addition, Patheos publishes articles of interest to religious historians and people of faith.
Benjamin Brook (1776-1848) was an English nonconformist minister and religious historian.