Dietrich became a Unitarian minister and gradually moved from a position of liberal theistic Unitarianism to religious non-theistic humanism.
Another subject of focus relates to the values and ethics in religious humanism.
As practiced by the Washington Ethical Society, it is in many respects more aligned with religious humanism than with secular humanism.
Though Ethical Culture is based on a humanist philosophy, it is regarded by some as a type of religious humanism.
Theistic or nontheistic religious naturalism is a basic theological perspective of liberal religion and religious humanism, according to some sources.
Although religious humanism does exist, neither religious nor secular humanism is in the textbooks of Alabama public schools.
She was an active promoter of Esperanto as well as of Homaranismo, a form of religious humanism first defined by her father.
HUUmanists is the main representation of religious humanism within the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Two common forms of humanism are religious humanism and secular humanism.
She also rejects Jewish theology in general, and instead holds to a form of religious humanism.