In the earliest texts, it can be difficult to discern to what extent a particular religious injunction held force as secular law.
What is a Martian female's religious injunction requiring her to keep her eyes closed during intercourse?
The education system in Lahore is formulated along specific modern, religious, cultural, social, psychological and scientific injunctions.
Others talk about the religious injunctions against homosexuality, but historians point to the context in which the Bible was written.
"Men cannot block my path because I follow all the religious injunctions in dress and behavior."
Agriculture, therefore, was a religious injunction, because of the perils of the state from nomadism.
He uses religious injunctions against "living in sin" and laws that prohibit "fornication" and the sale of vibrators as examples.
That's next on his agenda: to pressure the government to recognize his religious injunctions.
Its focus is on the trials of the flesh and the tensions that arise, for both priests and students, from the religious injunction to control one's sexuality.
The one surviving inscription concerns a religious injunction to placate Hubal and others for violating a tomb.