The panel also noted that the Supreme Court had ruled that students could not hold religious invocations at graduations.
They mixed religious invocation and martial gloating, sometimes posting video of the mutilated bodies of Kurds.
In the transcripts, which are laden with religious invocations, there is no doubt that those speaking with Mr. Abdel Rahman look to him for leadership.
For President Kennedy, the first Catholic president, religious invocations during the ceremony were handled delicately, said Thurston Clarke, author of a book on Kennedy's inauguration.
And, of course, there were the religious invocations, not to be overlooked.
In 1980, Stark filed suit against the school district of Bloomington, Minnesota, challenging its practice of having a religious invocation at high school graduation.
Ms. Castedo's language is exuberant, and she's extraordinary when it comes to rendering the mixture of religious invocations and superstitions that flavors the speech of the campesinos.
He comes off as exceedingly earnest and sincere, though his religious invocations can have the same repetitive effect of those uttered during a Miss America pageant.
A benediction is a religious invocation.
A religious invocation was spoken by Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr..