There has been research to both support and refute the ability of personality traits to explain religious or spiritual involvement.
It is best used as an indicator of religious involvement rather than spirituality and has low or modest correlations with psychological well-being.
Correction officials try to encourage religious involvement, seeing it as an aid to rehabilitation.
The given names are influenced by the culture of the people, religious and Church involvement, and personal tastes.
Even so, a 1994 review of dozens of studies concluded that there was a valid association between religious involvement and better health.
Third, their religious involvement differs very little with their government school counterparts.
This pattern of religious and secular involvement has been evident at many times in Jewish history.
Their interest led to a deeper religious involvement.
"But there is no really good compelling evidence that there is a relationship between religious involvement and health."
Young adulthood is a time when emerging adults question their religious beliefs and need for religious involvement.