Despite its religious liberalism, The Leys is predominantly a Christian school and they state openly that "The School's Christian ethos lies at the heart of our education philosophy."
Influenced by the German refugee writer and philosopher Francis Leiber, Porter opposed slavery and integrated an antislavery position with religious liberalism.
A special target was religious liberalism.
Ruge was a leader in religious and political liberalism, but did not produce any work of enduring importance.
The award is given annually to the work "which is judged to have made the most significant contribution to religious liberalism."
Many Calvinists were adherents of the Christian revival movement (in France they were then called évangéliques) colliding with proponents of religious liberalism.
"The taking away of the outward manifestations of the Catholic faith is part of the moral and religious liberalism that has eroded the moral authority of the church," he said.
The atmosphere of religious liberalism and tolerance in the United States has offered American Jews the opportunity to enjoy the holiday period.
Interestingly, the Islamic kingdom of Al-Andalus (Moslem Spain) foreshadowed modernity in its multiculturalism and religious liberalism.
Politically conservative Unitarian Universalists point out that neither religious liberalism nor the Principles and Purposes of the UUA require liberal politics.