Those who do not want to swear the religious oath may give an affirmation.
He also told police that he knew the identity of the gunman but had taken a religious oath not to reveal his name.
Unlike their English contemporaries, Scottish students were not required to take a religious oath.
He said, "We have a large number of people who refuse to take religious oaths to something other than what they believe in.
The campaign was to highlight that judges and the president have to take a religious oath, which effectively stops 250,000 people from taking these posts.
He has always assumed office by affirmation rather than by a religious oath.
No religious oaths were to be required of members.
The format was a religious oath to tell the truth, imposed upon the accused prior to questioning.
There, they took strict religious oaths to their country, and were then forced to join the army upon an altar to the gods.
He gave Koots an undertaking more poignant than any religious oath.