They also developed plans for dealing with the United States Army, since it was very inconsistent in its dealing with religious objectors to previous wars.
Only a narrowly defined category of religious objectors are now allowed the option of serving in nonmilitary roles or doing community service.
The task force proposed a regulation that recognized brain death as death and did not require accommodation of religious objectors.
The Legislature is also directed to exempt religious conscientious objectors (Section 3).
Federal self-employment taxes are imposed on nearly every American with net income from self-employment above $400 (again with exceptions for certain religious objectors).
About 15% were religious objectors from non-pacifist churches.
There were also Mennonite and Doukhobor communities nearby, religious conscientous objectors, who could provide the labour needed.
After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Leon Trotsky issued a decree allowing alternative service for religious objectors whose sincerity was determined upon examination.
So, last Tuesday, at the recommendation of its task force, the Senate passed its own version of the women's health bill - this time, making special provisions for religious objectors.
However, religious and conscientious objectors were allowed the option of paying the amount to a registered charity instead.