Howard Finster was responsible for introducing millions to outsider art, but even with his fame, he remained focused on religious outreach.
There he continued his work in religious outreach among his fellow prisoners and guards.
It had become the largest and most well-known religious outreach of its kind, with the result that President Abraham Lincoln visited the meeting one Sunday.
It's hard to imagine a more effective method of religious outreach, which is, after all, the goal of evangelical churches like Radiant.
The station had been programmed pursuant to a brokered time agreement where a group in Brownfield, TX was running a religious outreach.
The law prohibits foreign missionary activity, although in practice both Christians and Muslims working in the country in other capacities engaged in religious outreach.
"We think what we're doing is absolutely unique," Rabbi Radler said, describing the company as, in part, an attempt at religious outreach.
FGC's programs include a traveling ministries, religious outreach, interfaith relations, book publishing and sales, and an annual conference.
In a statement, Mara Vanderslice, director of religious outreach for the Kerry campaign, said the effort "shows nothing but disrespect for the religious community."
Church sharing can arise from financial need, religious outreach or a combination of both.