However, the Sogdians epitomized the religious plurality found along the trade routes.
The public square shouldn't be walled off from religion, but open to a plurality of viewpoints, secular and religious.
Mühlstein is particularly committed to promote religious plurality in Judaism.
The district of Kenema enjoys religious plurality - Muslim and Christians.
He claims that they might better preserve religious plurality than secular liberalism.
In addition, dialogue is made necessary by the fact of religious plurality, and the increasing contact between people of different religions.
However, religious plurality was already a legal-cultural tradition in New Amsterdam and in the Netherlands.
It should be the world headquarters of religious and cultural plurality, not some private dominion of a theocratic state.
There is some religious plurality in the borough although they represent a very small minority of the population.
His is a view shared by a large, mostly religious plurality of military personnel and their families.