The Transportation Department had logged 21 complaints of racial or religious profiling since Sept. 11, Mr. Mosley said, and those complaints are being investigated.
Mr. Smith said Mr. Ashcroft was a victim of "religious profiling" whom Democrats opposed because of his anti-abortion record.
We are so good and so pure we would never engage in discriminatory racial or "religious" profiling.
In Israel, ethnic and religious profiling at airports is a given.
Ken Connor, president of the Family Research Council, accurately described this as the latest example of "religious profiling."
In a letter to the airline's president today, Ibrahim Hooper, communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, called the incident an example of racial and religious profiling.
Mr. Corzine praised Mr. Cañas as someone who was able to build coalitions and would fight terror without resorting to racial or religious profiling.
Some called it unacceptable ethnic and religious profiling - defending American freedom with measures that undermine that very freedom.
That's quite true, and we do rightly to condemn religious profiling.
A City Council committee yesterday approved legislation that would prohibit law enforcement officers from engaging in racial, ethnic and religious profiling.