The first four films, made before 1985, are thinly disguised religious proselytizing.
And second, will the government ensure that religious proselytizing in the process of providing these services is forbidden?
There will be no religious proselytizing.
Accordingly, we have not excluded from free-speech protections religious proselytizing, or even acts of worship.
Currently, religious proselytizing is not allowed within Israel.
Mr. Weinstein said he had become concerned about religious proselytizing at the academy while his two sons were attending it.
For decades, US policy has sought to avoid intermingling government programs and religious proselytizing.
This level of opposition was even higher than the 60 percent of the public concerned about using tax dollars for religious proselytizing.
Because of the prohibition on religious proselytizing, you should avoid taking photographs or videotaping non-Buddhist religious services.
A brief from the Mormon Church told the court that restrictions on religious proselytizing were increasingly common.