In the United States, contenders to the most powerful leadership position in the world proclaim their religious purity.
Others spoke of the religious purity they discovered in Sunday silences.
"He is one of those hard-liners who believe in nothing but religious and ethnic purity," Behrouzi said.
His vows of religious purity prove no match for her, once she sheds her clothes.
What happened to the religious purity of the Bekeem?
To ensure religious purity, Mosaic law required that designated individuals receive a ritual washing, sometimes in preparation for entering the temple.
On the other hand, it is the fundamentalists who, in their search for religious purity, become obsessed with the materiality of bodies and shrines.
Sometimes the application of Islamic law is based more on practicality than on religious purity.
No, we must never legitimise any sham election which restricts candidates on the basis of their religious purity and conducts its count behind closed doors.
Seeking to maintain their religious purity, the Thariots prohibited all travel to other worlds.